The aKhu•na Technology
This technology is a set of Cosmic Tools available for the first time ever on planet Earth. A series of multiversal firsts to support Starseeds, Light Beings, and Consciousness Co-creators in your unique journey of evolution and ascension becoming a new human—multidimensional.
Cosmic Mission: Make available Cosmic Tools, first-ever on the Planet.
Planetary Mission: Support humanity’s ascension process with light codes of the future.
* aKhu•na \n\ 1. The first Ultra-Multiverse TRIAD within the Omniverse.
The aKhu•na iLanguage
The Cosmic Consciousness/Light Language
The iLanguage is a series of divine holographic keys as; sound harmonies, invisible light lasers, and vibrational geometries that hold cosmic consciousness information for you.
These holographic keys manifest themselves in 3 forms:
iSound - Sound, vocals (Harmonics).
iMovement - Light Movements (Body Movements).
iCode - Matter (Sacred Geometry).
Together, these fractals create the Cosmic aKhu•na iLanguage Synergy.
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Each hologram vibrate a different creation principles across universes, and even multiverses.
Imagine they are like a multidimensional GPS or Cosmic Maps that lead you to discover more multidimensional libraries to expand your consciousness and vibrate more of your cosmic legacy here on earth.
If the light codes are like USB keys with multi-D information, the Holographic Blueprints are like Hard-Drives gathering infinite cosmic codes throughout the magnificence multiversal fractal system.
12+1 (13) aKhu•na iCodes - 卡片
Divine holographic keys that contain cosmic consciousness information that support your journey of evolution and ascension to become a new human—multidimensional.
iCodes 卡片—打印 点播 (POD)
These three codes on the post card allows for more synchronicity in your life. As a triad, the codes act as a light vibrational geometrical formula in iLanguage.
The 12+1 (13) aKhu•na iCodes
You are the Omniverse.
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The multiversal group of consciousness Ela Ane Amanea from aKhu•na, shares with you the vibrational, energetic, and consciousness essence behind each iCode, iSound, and iMovement throughout cosmic proverbs.
The Cosmic Gaia iCodes-Formulas
The series of the 7+1 (8) Cosmic Elements of Earth
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These multidimensional formulas of light codes on the mini-poster and/or postcard allow you to vibrate Cosmic Gaia in You.
Imagine that the ensemble of the 7+1 (8) holographic scrolls, represent the orchestra of GAIA playing a symphony of pure consciousness. This symphony is playing cosmic melodies for you. Your body receives them – consciously or unconsciously – with your permission through your intention.
Each of the 7 Elements represents a section within the orchestra. When you put all the sections together, you have a group synergy playing the entire symphony.
PRINT Catalogue -PDF
Pleiadian iCodes Cards
Orion iCodes Cards
Aura Essence
Holographic [i]Blueprints
Your personal iCode and iSound
A multidimensional GIFT from your Cosmic Soul
Get the multidimentional, multiversal, and cosmic messages from your Cosmic Soul to YOU.
Enjoy the frequencies of the aKhu•na iLanguage (Language of Consciousness o Light Language) in form of Sound and Geometry - form and color.
Welcome to Timalu Creations
Have you ever felt you might be:
A Starseed, a Light Child, a Celestial Being… a.k.a. a Cosmic Being?
If you'd like to become:
A channel (intuitive) , activator (catalyst), harmonizer (healer)... a.k.a. a Cosmic Messenger.
You want to remember if your cosmic lineage is from:
Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Sirius, Lyra, Venus, Antares, Orion… a.k.a. the entire multiverse?
You are ready to communicate with:
Angels, archangels, master ascended, dolphins, whales, fairies, gnomes, elves, elementals, unicorns, dragons, mermaids, tritons... a.k.a. the invisible ones.
You are searching for your cosmic pack:
The conscious "Black Sheep" seeking ways of activating 99% of your DNA, a.k.a. your Avatar iSelf.
Are you looking for:
New cosmic tools that have never been on Earth before?
If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, you are going to love Timalu Creations, where you will find awareness tools to reunite more basic elements of your Cosmic Soul, also known as your iSelf. Are you ready?